Friday, May 29, 2015

A Citizen devoted to the republic

Author Bio: Napoléon Bonaparte was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and its associated wars. As Napoleon I, he was Emperor of the French from 1804 until 1814, and again in 1815.

Date/Context: (November 10,1799) I found division among all authorities , and agreement upon one point, namely, the constitution was half destroyed..

Summary: This is basically a lot of napoleon gloating and describing what he has accomplished.

Key quote: All parties came to me, confined to me their designs, disclose their secrets and request my support 

1 comment:

  1. The historical context and author bio seem a bit oversimplified when one considers of the French Revolution and Napoleon. Upon seizing power in 1799, Napoleon re-establishes a totalitarian government in France. Although he brought some notable reforms to France, where he is still considered a national hero by many, his expansionism plunged the continent into an extended period of war and instability.

    This particular document, written by Napoleon himself, portrays Napoleon as a savior of France and the French society. He describes the chaos, in-fighting, and problems faced by France in 1799 - problems he alleviated by assuming power. Further, he promotes a sense of nationalism.

    "Frenchmen, you will doubtless recognize in this conduct the zeal of a soldier of liberty, a citizen devoted to the Republic. Conservative, tutelary, and liberal ideas have been restored to their rights through the dispersal of the rebels who oppressed the Councils."

    For Napoleon, see also - "Reasons for Establishing the Empire," "The Legion of Honor," and "An End to the Woes of Anarchy"


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