Friday, May 29, 2015

politics and scripture

author bio:Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet was a French bishop and theologian, renowned for his sermons and other addresses. He has been considered by many to be one of the most brilliant orators of all time and a masterly French stylist.

Date/Context: (1679)- Monarchical government is the best form.

summary: is a work of political theory prepared by Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet as part of his duties as tutor for Louis XIV's heir apparentLouis, le Grand Dauphin. It is one of the purest expressions of the branch ofpolitical absolutism which historians have labeled "Divine Right Absolute Monarchy."

Key Quote: Kings Should respect their powers and only employ them for the general good.

1 comment:

  1. A brief, but good summary. Louis XIV is considered to be the epitome of French absolutism, even designating himself the "Sun King." This statement concisely lays out the "Divine Right of Kings."

    "Since their [kings] power comes from above...they should exercise it with fear and restraint, as a thing conferred on them by God, for which they are answerable to Him...O kings, be bold in the exercise of your power for it is divine and beneficial."


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