Thursday, May 21, 2015

"Vanity Was His Ruin"

Author: The author of this primary document is the Duke of Saint-Simon. He was a soldier, diplomat and writer. Duke of Saint Simon was born in Paris and was part of the feudal nobility under Louis XIV. He often wrote about the life and accomplishments of Louis XIV.

Speaker: See Above

Date/ Context: Louis the XIV was the ruler of France during this time period. He named himself the ruler of France and dubbed himself the Sun King. While he was the absolute ruler of France he created the palace of Versailles to distract the nobles from the problems and corruption in France.  

Summary: “Vanity Was His Ruin” was written by Duke of Saint Simon who was a noble Louis XIV was trying to distract from the corruption of his rule. This primary document shows how Duke of Saint Simon was not pleased with the rule of Louis XIV and states many examples of his corruption. The Duke believes that Louis XIV was born a good king and was given power by God but his education and responsibility lacks. Finally, the Duke of Saint- Simon tells the reader how the King’s daily activities and diet was also flawed.  

Key Quotes:
“ God had sufficiently gifted him to enable him to be a good King; perhaps even a tolerably great King! All the evil came to him from elsewhere.”

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