Saturday, April 11, 2015

Absolute Tyranny

Context - A successful General named Marius developed one of the first professional armies by selecting not from farmers but from true veteran soldiers. He offered this army all sorts of rewards in return for their loyalty; land,, booty, and glory. In return, Marius expected loyalty from them. Later on,  General Sulla becomes angered, takes over,  and has horrible things done to Marius's soldiers.

Author Bio - Appian of Alexandria was a Roman historian of Greek origin who flourished during the reigns of Emperors of Rome Trajan, Hadrian, and Antoninus Pius.

Summary - Sulla brought together the people of Rome and explained that he had some plans, and that he would kill anyone going against these plans. He made a list of roughly 1600 officials that he wanted to kill, and almost immediately these people were sought out and either killed or banished. Sulla sent out spies to find and kill anyone that tried to escape. This resulted in Sulla's rise to tyrannic rule; he was the first to hold autocratic rule by force and violence for longer than a short period of time.

Key Quotation - “Thus Sulla became king, or tyrant, a de facto- not elected but holding power by force and violence”.


  1. Looks Good to me

  2. Looks Good to me

  3. This was a period of civil war - an ambitious general promised land and glory to displaced men in Rome. Rome was wracked by violence and terror. Appian describes this unsettled time near the end of the Republic.


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