Wednesday, April 22, 2015

"Constitution" by St. Ignatius of Loyola

Author Bio: The author of “Constitution” is St. Ignatius of Loyola. St. Ignatius of Loyola was a soldier in the Spanish Army until he was injured in the Battle of Pamplona. After the battle he turned to religion and developed an unshakeable relationship with the Pope. He is described as being obedient to the Pope until death. St. Ignatius formed the Society of Jesus for Jesuit priests and became the Society’s first Superior General.

Speaker: See Above

Date/ Context: The “Constitution” was written in 1540 at the time of the formation of the Society of Jesus. This primary document was written to reaffirm that the Jesuits will be faithful to the pope. “Constitution” was written around the time of the Reformation and the Counter- Reformation when their was a divide in the church. During this time St. Ignatius of Loyola emerged as a strong leader in the Counter- Reformation movement along with his Jesuit priests.  

St. Ignatius of Loyola is trying to say in the “Constitution” that society is built through the Church and through Jesus Christ. He goes on to say that if you are part of society you must believe and have unshakable faith in the Roman pontiff, the pope. In the second half of his “Constitution”, St. Ignatius is referring to the Society of Jesus that he has created. The Society of Jesus is a society of holy roman catholics that call themselves Jesuits. Jesuits are held to slightly higher standards than normal priests are are suppose to be all faithful to the pope and to God. St. Ignatius states that if a person is a member of his society he should have unshakable faith in God and the Roman pontiff as well as teach and spread the word of Jesus. He states that members of the Society should without question or excuse go wherever it is deemed necessary by Ignatius or the pope and teach by spreading the word of God.

“... We are pledged to obey without evasion or excuse, instantly, so far as in us lies, whether he send us to the Turks or any other infidels…”
“All the members shall realize, and shall revall daily, as long as they live, that this society as a whole and in every part is fighting for God under faithful obedience to one most holy lord, the pope, and to other Roman pontiffs who succeed him.”

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