Saturday, April 18, 2015

"The Profession of Faith"

Author Bio - Pope Pius IV (1499 - 1565) - known for reform and a cleansing of the excessiveness of past popes; from a less wealthy family but went through school and earned his doctorate at 26; slowed down the the Inquisition; attempted to establish healthy relations with Spain and the Holy Roman Empire; reconvened the Council of Trent in 1562 after a 10-year break where he attempted to set the Catholic church on a definite path in the face of Protestant opposition; reignited Church’s spark for the arts and learning; expanded the Church’s influence in Rome; put Cardinal Carafa and the duke of Palino on trial for starting the war with Spain, and Pius’ public opinion suffered; raising of taxes provoked an assassination attempt in 1564.

Speaker - The question of speaker for “The Profession of Faith” is rather complicated. Pope Pius IV originally authored the profession; the Council of Trent told the Roman Catholic Church to adhere to it; and it started to be spoken at mass. So, while the Pope had a council of religious leaders follow the profession, the Roman Catholic Church decided to continue the profession. Most likely though, the speaker is the Council of Trent which was composed of the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church at the time, for if they had not spoken it and enforced it, the church could not have done the same.

Date/Context: The second part of the Council of Trent took place during 1562-1563 as Pope Pius IV watched over and guided the proceedings. This was the time “The Profession of Faith” was spoken. Considering that the Ninety-Five Theses were published in 1517, the Council, and subsequently the profession, was a response to the exodus of people leaving the Roman Catholic Church and joining the Protestants. It attempted to firmly state the Church’s beliefs and goals to offer guidelines for future generations. It is written in the first person (changed to third person in the summary), for it was to be said by all members of church similar to an oath. It is read like a list of beliefs that are to be adopted.

Summary: The body and blood of Christ is given unto the people in the sacrament of the Eucharist through bread and wine respectively. Purgatory is place where souls go after death to receive help from the faithful before ascending to Heaven. The saints deserve to be prayed to. Any image of either Jesus or his mother Mary are to be kept in the highest esteem and regard. The Roman Catholic Church is the mother of all churches, and the Pope has say over its course of events. The people shall accept everything stated in the Council of Trent.

Key Quotations: “I recognize the Holy Catholic an Apostolic Roman Church as the Mother and mistress of all churches: and I... swear true obedience to the Roman Pontiff...”

“I accept and profess… the traditions, definitions and declarations… of the holy Council of Trent.”

1 comment:

  1. The missing thing on the summary was the description of church and the authorities of pope these two things can be explained more in details, and the explanation of author is way to long it can be make short but the key quotation is the exact fit for the article.
    Overall the article is nicely summarize.


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