Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Georg, Johann. “When Alexander Met Thalestris.” History Today Jan. 2015: 11-17. Print.

The article by Johann Georg summarizes in a few pages the dedication of Thalestris attempting to meet and find Alexander the Great of Macedon. Thalestris is said to be from Greece. She had a mission; that was to bring three hundred women, find Alexander in hope to breed a race of children as strong and brilliant as he. Details show that Thalestris traveled thirty five days through hostile territories in order to have a child by king Alexander. The distance of the trek outlined above would be about six to seven hundred miles.  Although this tale is quite skeptical, historians do in fact believe that someone had this same goal and carried out their actions in attempting this plan.

1 comment:

  1. This post was part of the library assignment. It accidentally went on this page.


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