Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Caesar"s Reforms

Author Bio: Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus more well known as Suetonius was a Roman Historian. He was born around 49 or 50 in a province of Africa. Suetonius was able to become an author through his fathers social class and his friends power. He was able to write a famous book that was about 12 Roman rulers.

Date/Context: Suetonius was able to watch from the side of the Caesar and think of what they did out side of the role of royalty.

Summary: This article from Suetonius was written about the reforms that took place to create Rome. The first paragraph states that Caesar created the calendar we had today with 365 days and adding one day every four years. He then states how he filled vacancies in the senate with half voted by the people and half on his own accord. Later he talks about how Caesar did not remove debt but only made the debtors pay the price of what they owe before the civil war. He then spends the last paragraph talking about how Caesar constructed beautiful architect and new roads.

Key Quotation: "All these enterprises and plans were cut short by his death" (Suetonius 170) This is a key quotation showing that even with all the great thing he did some where cut off to nothing because of his death.


  1. Suetonius was born after Caesar's assassination and writes in a complimentary, almost admiring tone. (See also comment for "Abuse of Power")

    "Turning his attention to the reorganization of the state [Caesar] reformed the calendar...he shared the elections with the people...he administered justice with utmost conscientiousness and strictness."

  2. Nice job Kyle, I did not know that it was Caesar who implemented the 365 day calendar that we use today. In addition, I was surprised that he allowed half of the vacant seats in the senate to be filled by people who were voted in. I would have originally thought that because of his dictator-like nature, that he would have hand picked all of the senate members himself.


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