Wednesday, April 15, 2015

"Innocent Protects His Realm (1216)"

Author Bio: Pope Innocent III lived from 1160 CE to 1216 CE. He is considered to be one of the most powerful popes because of his part in the crusades as well as his influence over the kings of Europe. Pope Innocent III is noted for organizing Christian crusades against Spain, the Holy Land, and Constantinople.

Speaker: See above

Date/ Context: “Innocent Protects His Realm” was written by Pope Innocent III in 1216 as a message to the people of England. Just before the message was written there had been several small rebellions and protests against the King of England (John). At this time in history the King of England had good relations with the pope, leader of the Catholic Church.

Summary: In this primary document, Pope Innocent III is speaking to the people of England about their king. The people of England are angry at their king for alleged conspiracy and abusive use of power. The people then, according to this document, conspired against the king. Pope Innocent III tells the people not to be angry at their king and to stop conspiring against their leader. Innocent says that if the people wish to raise a concern to King James they should approach him with respect and reverence. The pope also states that the church and the king have no quarrel therefore the people should forgive their king and rejoice in the fact that their king and church are united in leading them.

Key Quotes: “By our apostolic authority we hereby dissolve all conspiracies and confederacies that have been made since the quarrel between the crown and the church began…”
“And thus you yourselves may rejoice to know that he has changed for the better, and on this account you and your heirs may serve him and his successors more prominently and devotedly.”

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